
(backup from

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layer: “La Verte”
extracted: Coticule Quarry at Ol Preu.
size: rectangular hone, 5cm X 15cm.
speed with slurry: slow (range: very slow – slow – moderate – moderately fast – fast – very fast)
speed with water: very slow (range: very slow – slow- moderate)
slurry: a clear sensation of abrasion, typical sound of “sharpening steel” Slurry turns gray slowly
water:a faint sensation of abrasion.
Slurry specifics: good slurry release.
Sharpness level coming off slurry: ++ (range: + shaves my armhair barely, ++ shaves my armheir well, +++ sufficient to shave my face)
Finishing properties, water only: leaves keen, slightly crispy edge.
Dilucot: follow standard procedure, spend extra laps later in the dilution phase.
Unicot: follow standard procedure.
Touch-up hone, use with water: capable of reclaiming slightly dulling edges. 60 -100 laps depending on edge condition.

Extra remark: A bit of an a-typical Coticule. feels a little bit rougher than average, but leaves a nice, keen edge.