
(backup from

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layer: “Les Latneuses”
extracted: Coticule Quarry at Ol Preu.
size: rectangular hone, 6.2cm X 15cm.
Almost uniform Coticule with no backing. At the backside, the’re a very thin BBW spot and a thin hybrid part, only on one half of the hone. Most of this hone is pure Les Latneuses, with some minor hybrid inclucsions.

speed with slurry: very fast (range: very slow – slow – moderate – moderately fast – fast – very fast)
speed with water: moderate (range: very slow – slow- moderate)


slurry: a clear sensation of very fine abrasion, typical sound of “sharpening steel” Slurry turns black quickly.water: a very faint sensation of abrasion. Slight draw. water turns black after a while

Slurry specifics: good slurry release.

Sharpness level coming off slurry: ++ (range: + shaves my arm hair barely, ++ shaves my arm hair well, +++ sufficient to shave my face)

Finishing properties, water only: Engaging  (range: brisk – engaging – mellow)
Dilucot: follow standard procedure.
Unicot: follow standard procedure.
Touch-up hone, use with water: excellent, due to good edge refinement with water only.