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  1. efsk


    A brand/producer still in existence is Lutz. These days, they make blades of all types, but they used to produce razors as well. The funny thing is, they are best known for a razor of which it is not known who actually produced it. I'll start this thread of with that one, and we can go to their...
  2. Wilco Roos

    What Slants do you own

    I have some Slants, and i am always looking to find more (if my wallet does not scream that is). So i thought to show them, and hope to see what other folks have for Slanted and Warped Blade holding equipment ;-) Here are mine! Maggard Slant Merkur 39c PAA Alpha Ecliptic Seygus Zeppelin...
  3. efsk

    Walbusch / Walter Busch & Sohn

    One of the more iconic razorbrands is Walbusch, or, depending on what razor, Walter Busch & Sohn. Based in Solingen, they still exist as a clothing mailorder company (although they have some flagshipstores), but at least during the 30s-50s they sold razors, cigarclippers and lighters as well...
  4. efsk


    The IRO is a razor coming from Spanish Basque. It is often confused with Eibar, yet Eibar is the Basque city this razor is coming from. Head and handle have a Logo stating "Original" with an arrow through it, IRO, and the handle also has "Systema Oblicuo" which means slanted system which is...
  5. efsk


    An interesting razormaker these days is iKon. Not sure if it's true for all their razors, but with slants, they take a known and proven vintage model, and then create their own variant thereof. Most of those are rather good razors of themselves. The first here is the 102, a slant based on the...
  6. efsk

    Merkur 37

    As a lover of slants, it is impossible not to like the Merkur 37. Basically in production forever, for a while this was the only slant left in production, after a heyday during the 30s-50s where every respectable razormaker had one. Over time, the model has changed slightly, but I've yet to find...
  7. efsk


    A rather rare, yet very pretty razor is the silver-gold Speed. Made in Sweden it has a fabulous futurist design, that was shown in the packaging and themed blades as well. Packaging is as slanted as the razor itself, blades have the pinnacle of modernity as logo: a transatlantic commercial...
  8. efsk

    Above The Tie

    Above The Tie (ATT) is a modern razorbrand with a very distinctive style. Very well machined from either stainless steel or aluminium, tight tolerances. The topcap for a regular baseplate fits all model regular baseplates, same with slantheads: topcap fits CC and OC. Heads are typified with...
  9. efsk

    Apollo / Ben Hur

    The Apollo and Ben Hur brand razors were produced starting prewar ending postwar times (precise year unknown) by the Solingen manufacturer Herckenrath in their Ben Hur Rasiermesserfabrik (Ben Hur Razor factory). Some models were produced under both names. The Ben Hur brand is more difficult to...